You'll love this salad. It can be a delicate starter for early breakfast or even better, a quick Saturday lunch-time snack. Topped with a soft-boiled Tsukimi Onsen Egg, this salad makes for an absolutely tasty meal that could be prepared in absolutely no time.
1 Safegg™ Tsukimi Onsen egg
small pack of Caesar salad dressing
ready-to-eat salad pack with Lola Rosa and butterhead lettuce
cherry tomatoes
dash of Himalayan salt and freshly grounded black pepper
1. Place salad leaves into a salad bowl.
2. Mix cherry tomatoes with the salad.
3. Drizzle some Caesar salad dressing.
4. Add Onsen egg to the salad.
5. Complete the salad with sprinkling of some parmesan cheese.